Green Europe

This project was dedicated to Engaging in insightful workshops and actively contributing to their creation, participants delved into topics such as: exploring various facets of sustainable living and fostering an eco-friendly mindset. The overarching goal of "Green Europe" project is to as we embarked on this journey, it became evident that to achieve a "Green Europe," we need to transform into green Europeans ourselves. instill a collective consciousness about building a sustainable future. transforming youth spaces into eco-friendly havens practicing mindful travel greening one's home translating sustainable strategies into everyday practices.

- Day 1 (13 Oct): Warm welcome and anticipation.

- Day 2 (14 Oct): Team-building and exploration of the European Youth Strategy.

- Day 3 (15 Oct): Dynamic discussions on environmental protection and sustainable youth workplaces.

- Day 4 (16 Oct): Hands-on experience with plastic-free tools and DIY methods.

- Day 5 (17 Oct): Immersion in local youth organizations' green projects and Cultural Night.

- Day 6 (18 Oct): Collaboration on compiling an E-booklet on sustainable youth work methods.

- Day 7 (19 Oct): Action planning for local and international youth projects with a focus on environmental protection.

project image

Project name: Green Europe

Project Reference: 2022-1-FR02-KA153-YOU-000055960

Start date 01-06-2022

End date 30-11-2023

Coordinator: Réseau des organisations de solidarité internationale France-Essonne

EU Contribution: 52,243 EUR

Partners: PROACTING - Associação para a Promoção do Empreendedorismo e Empregabilidade (PT) , Millennium Peacemakers (NL) , Centrul pentru Cooperarea Tinerilor (MD) , Udhëtim i Lirë - Liberi di Viaggiare (AL) , CIVIC ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT CENTER PANGEYA ULTIMA (UA) , BOSNIAN REPRESENTATIVE ASSOCIATION FOR VALUABLE OPPORTUNITIES (BA) , ARMENIAN PROGRESSIVE YOUTH NGO (AM) , Stowarzyszenie LEVEL UP (PL) , Asociatia Pentru Inovatie In Educatia Adultilor (RO) , Oyoun Masr Association for Cultural and Social Development (EG)