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'The Same Opportunities for Al

We are in Poland from 26th June till 2nd July 2019, to attend experts seminar "The same opportunities for all"

5 years ago share

Vernonica Process

Organizing and managing cultural, artistic and social activities (conferences, exhibitions, festival

3 years ago share

Strengthen relations

Developing projects which aim to serve and support the development of societies, societal understand

3 years ago share

Aim to strengthen

Carrying out studies, applied research and field consultancy in the field of social sciences, econom

3 years ago share

Southern Mediterranean

Facilitating the empowerment and capacity building of youth in partnership with youth workers and NG

3 years ago share

Include Me Training Course

The training reunited youth workers from Germany, Netherlands, Romania, Hungary, Lithuania, Italy, Portugal, G

11 months ago share

Day of the Mediterranean

A day to acknowledge our shared identity and common heritage.
